Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cody Wyoming Old Western Town and the Devil's Tower, WY

Before leaving Cody, we decided to ride over to the Old Western Town area.  Cody is rich with cowboy history.  Cody is the town Buffalo Bill created and it is also home to Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Jeremiah Johnston and many others.  This old western town is original in it's building and contents.  The old buildings house stage coaches, buggy's, saddles, old guns, buffalo fur coats, old pictures and even a graveyard where Jeremiah Johnston is buried.  We spent a couple of hours in this old town before we realized how long we had been there.  It is truly a place to become acquainted with how the west was won.  People lived hard back then and died young. 
We left Cody for Devils Tower, Wyoming.  This is the large formation where "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," was filmed.  The large mountain is actually lava that went up into a rock.  The rock broke away and left this large lava formation.  It is huge and what a site to see up close.  The campground did nightly viewings of the movie, "Close Encounters," but unformtunately just as we walked over for the movie, it began to rain.  Oh well, we'll have to rent the movie when we get home.  Enjoy the pics.

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